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Looking At Team Performance Quarter-By-Quarter

AFL Football - as the cliche goes - is a game of four quarters. The benefit of this arrangement is that AFL scores provide twice as much information about the ebb and flow of each contest as the scores of any other form of football in this country. With the quarter-by-quarter information alone we can perform some interesting analyses for every team.

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Should We Have Been Surprised About the Season So Far?

Surprisals, you might recall, are a way of measuring the likelihood of the result of a chance outcome. They're measured in bits, and one bit of surprisal is the amount of surprise that you should feel in correctly predicting the toss of one unbiased coin.

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Is the Home Ground Advantage Disappearing?

Home teams, as a whole, have not fared particularly well this season, which is one of the reasons that most of the MAFL Funds - all but one of which bet exclusively on home teams - have been testing Investors' patience.

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Modelling AFL Team Scoring : Part III

This is the third in a series of blogs (here are Part I and Part II) about modelling the scoring of AFL teams and, with the heavy statistical lifting out of the way, in this blog we can look at the practical uses of what we've discovered so far

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Modelling AFL Team Scoring : Part II

This is the second in a series of blogs about modelling the scoring of AFL teams. In the previous blog on this topic I introduced what I called the Score Equation, which represents a way of thinking about a team's score in any game

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