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Do Fans Really Want Close Games?

The AFL Draft is predicated on a belief that the equalisation of talent across teams across time is somehow good for the sport. It seems a reasonable premise, but how might we test it? Well, if it's true, one of the ways it should manifest is in attendance figures. Put simply: do games where the result is more uncertain draw larger crowds?

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2012 - Recent History of MARS Ratings and Ladder Positions

This year we finished the home-and-away season with 11 teams carrying MARS Ratings of over 1,000, hinting at the competitiveness we saw for positions in the Finals. MARS Ratings are zero-sum though, so a large crop of highly-rated teams necessitates a smaller crop of lowly-rated ones

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Visualising Team Scores

It's a cliche, sure, but sometimes a picture (or two) does paint a thousand words.

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2012 - Winners Continue to Lead, and Leaders Win

At the end of its Round 20 the 2012 season remains notable not just for the predictability of game outcomes but also for the relatively infrequency with which teams that have lead by more than a few points have ultimately relinquished that lead.

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Expected Surprisals

If the TAB Bookmaker is any sort of a judge (and, speaking from painful experience, he is) then this week's results, Round 17 of season 2012, hold as much information about the competition as almost any round this season.

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