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2013 : Round 5 - Wagers & Tips

It wouldn't be right if the first game ever played for VFL/AFL competition points outside Australia went unmarked by a MAFL wager, and both the Head-to-Head and Line Funds have made sure that this isn't the case.

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2013 : Round 4 - Results

Like the tortoise in one of Zeno's paradoxes, Investors once again halved the distance between themselves and their Achilles: the profitability of the Recommended Portfolio. That Portfolio is now priced at 99.5c.

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2013 : Round 4 - Wagers & Tips

There are six home-team favourites this week, which is as many as we've had in a single round this season, so I suppose it's no real surprise that the Margin Fund features prominently in the week's wagers. What is a little unusual, however, is that the Margin Fund has elected to wager in all six contests.

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2013 : Round 3 - Results

Another successful SuperMargin wager, a 2 from 3 performance from the Head-to-Head Fund, and a 3 from 5 record for the Line Fund was enough this week to add 1.3c back to the price of the Recommended Portfolio, leaving it now down by just 1.2c on the season.

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2013 : Round 3 - Wagers & Tips

It's like the Heritage Fund of a few years back has returned this week, a little older and wiser, chastened perhaps by its GFC experience, but still willing to have a nibble at a rank outsider.

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