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Well That's Mildly Embarrassing ...

Surveys show that 75% of people have trouble with percentages. The remaining 50% find them no trouble at all. Turns out I'm part of the 75%.

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2013 : Round 6 - Results

As Investors will know, the Line Fund carries a 60% weighting in the Recommended Portfolio, so when it ended Saturday with an 0 and 4 record, knocking 6c off the Portfolio's price in so doing, Sunday was always going to be a day about, at best, limiting the damage.

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2013 : Round 6 - Wagers & Tips

This week Investors enter a new phase of the competition as the first of the Funds changes its wagering strategy. Based on empirical data, the Line Fund performs better in Rounds 6 to 11 than it does in the first 5 rounds of the season, so this week it doubles its standard wager to 2.5% of the Fund. Next week it'll be the Head-to-Head Fund's turn to ratchet up the risk and reward.

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2013 : MARS, Massey, Colley and ODM Ratings After Round 5

Over on the Statistical Analyses blog I've been dedicating significant blog-space - or whatever it is you want to call the online equivalent of column inches - to the MARS Ratings of teams throughout football history. In those posts the Ratings stopped at the end of last season. Now it's time to bring them up to date.

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2013 : Round 5 - Results

Until late into time-on in the Lions v Dees game on Sunday afternoon I thought I'd be writing this week about our making a small profit, having extended our run of successful wagering to four weeks in a row, but then the Dees kicked successive goals at the back end of what's appropriately known as "junk time", the first turning a 1.4c profit into a breakeven result for the game, and the second consigning us to a 0.9c loss. Then in the last game of the round, the Hawks' inability to win by either of the requisite margin ranges made sure that all three Funds recorded a loss for the week. The Head-to-Head Fund dropped 0.4c, the Line Fund 1.5c, and the Margin Fund 0.3c, which translates into a 1.1c loss for the Recommended Portfolio.

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