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2013 : Round 9 - Results

Until the final game of Round 9 you could describe the games from which our best wagering performances had come using a single characteristic: they were the ones on which Investors had no wagers.

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2013 : Round 9 - Wagers & Tips

The Line Fund and the Margin Fund are less active this week, venturing just 3 and 10 wagers respectively, while the Head-to-Head Fund has, for the second week running, made just a single, surgical selection.

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2013 : MARS, Massey, Colley and ODM Ratings After Round 8

A slight change of format for the MAFL MARS Leaderboard this week, consolidating information about the week-by-week changes in each team's MARS Ratings and the most recent 5 weeks into the one table.

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2013 : Round 8 - Results

If luck-deprivation were a recognised condition Investors surely qualified for government assistance on the strength of this weekend's results.

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2013 : Round 8 - Wagers & Tips

It's been a strange day, it seems, over at TAB Sportsbet. First, it took them 20 minutes to post the line markets, which if not an entirely unusual behaviour is certainly atypical, but they posted 7 of them as "Extra Line" markets and only two of them as the more traditional "Line" markets, a situation that they'd not resolved a considerable time later. Then it took them until 9pm tonight to post the last of the SuperMargin markets.

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