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Limning the Ladder

It's time to consider the grand sweep of football history once again.

This time I'm looking at the teams' finishing positions, in particular the number and proportion of times that they've each finished as Premiers, Wooden Spooners, Grand Finalists and Finalists, or that they've finished in the Top Quarter or Top Half of the draw.

Here's a table providing the All-Time data.

Note that the percentage columns are all as a percentage of opportunities. So, for a season to be included in the denominator for a team's percentage, that team needs to have played in that season and, in the case of the Grand Finalists and Finalists statistics, there needs to have been a Grand Final (which there wasn't in 1897 or 1924) or there needs to have been Finals (which, effectively, there weren't in 1898, 1899 or 1900).

Looking firstly at Premierships, in pure number terms Essendon and Carlton tie for the lead on 16, but Essendon missed the 1916 and 1917 seasons and so have the outright lead in terms of percentage. A Premiership for West Coast in any of the next 5 seasons (and none for the Dons) would see them overtake Essendon on this measure.

Moving then to Spoons, St Kilda's title of the Team Most Spooned looks safe for at least another half century as they sit 13 clear of the field, and University will surely never relinquish the less euphonius but at least equally as impressive title of the Team With the Greatest Percentage of Spooned Seasons. Adelaide, Port Adelaide and West Coast are the only teams yet to register a Spoon (once the Roos' record is merged with North Melbourne's).

Turning next to Grand Finals we find that Collingwood have participated in a remarkable 39 of them, which equates to a better than one season in three record and is almost 10 percentage points better than any other team. West Coast, in just 22 seasons, have played in as many Grand Finals as have St Kilda, though St Kilda have had an additional 81 opportunities.

The Pies also lead in terms of the number of seasons in which they've participated in the Finals, though West Coast heads them in terms of percentages for this same statistic, having missed the Finals less than one season in four across the span of their existence.

Finally, looking at finishing in the Top Half or Top Quarter of the draw we find the Pies leading on both of these measures in terms of number of seasons but finishing runner-up to the Eagles in terms of percentages.

The picture is quite different if we look just at the 1980 to 2008 period, the numbers for which appear below.

Hawthorn now dominates the Premiership, Grand Finalist and finishing in the Top Quarter statistics. St Kilda still own the Spoon market and the Dons lead in terms of being a Finalist most often and finishing in the Top Half of the draw most often.

West Coast is the team with the highest percentage of Finals appearances and highest percentage of times finishing in the Top Half of the draw.


Percentage of Points Scored in a Game

We statisticians spend a lot of our lives dealing with the bell-shaped statistical distribution known as the Normal or Gaussian distribution. It describes a variety of phenomena in areas as diverse as physics, biology, psychology and economics and is quite frankly the 'go-to' distribution for many statistical purposes.

So, it's nice to finally find a footy phenomenon that looks Normally distributed.

The statistic is the percentage of points scored by each team is a game and the distribution of this statistic is shown for the periods 1897 to 2008 and 1980 to 2008 in the diagram below.

Both distributions follow a Normal distribution quite well except in two regards:

  1. They fall off to zero in the "tails" faster than they should. In other words, there are fewer games with extreme results such as Team A scoring 95% of the points and Team B only 5% than would be the case if the distribution were strictly normal.
  2. There's a "spike" around 50% (ie for very close and drawn games) suggesting that, when games are close, the respective teams play in such a way as to preserve the narrowness of the margin - protecting a lead rather than trying to score more points when narrowly in front and going all out for points when narrowly behind.

Knowledge of this fact is unlikely to make you wealthy but it does tell us that we should expect approximately:

  • About 1 game in 3 to finish with one team scoring about 55% or more of the points in the game
  • About 1 game in 4 to finish with one team scoring about 58% or more of the points in the game
  • About 1 game in 10 to finish with one team scoring about 65% or more of the points in the game
  • About 1 game in 20 to finish with one team scoring about 70% or more of the points in the game
  • About 1 game in 100 to finish with one team scoring about 78% or more of the points in the game
  • About 1 game in 1,000 to finish with one team scoring about 90% or more of the points in the game

The most recent occurrence of a team scoring about 90% of the points in a game was back in Round 15 of 1989 when Essendon 25.10 (160) defeated West Coast 1.12 (18).

We're overdue for another game with this sort of lopsided result.


Is There a Favourite-Longshot Bias in AFL Wagering?

The other night I was chatting with a few MAFL Investors and the topic of the Favourite-Longshot bias - and whether or not it exists in TAB AFL betting - came up. Such a bias is said to exist if punters tend to do better wagering on favourites than they do wagering on longshots.

The bias has been found in a number of wagering markets, among them Major League Baseball, horse racing in the US and the UK, and even greyhound racing. In its most extreme form, so mispriced do favourites tend to be that punters can actually make money over the long haul by wagering on them. I suspect that what prevents most punters from exploiting this situation - if they're aware of it - is the glacial rate at which profits accrue unless large amounts are wagered. Wagering $1,000 on a contest with the prospect of losing it all in the event of an upset or, instead, of winning just $100 if the contest finishes as expected seems, for most punters, like a lousy way to spend a Sunday afternoon.

Anyway, I thought I'd analyse the data that I've collected over the previous 3 seasons to see if I can find any evidence of the bias. The analysis is summarised in the table below.

Clearly such a bias does exist based on my data and on my analysis, in which I've treated teams priced at $1.90 or less as favourites and those priced at $5.01 or more as longshots. Regrettably, the bias is not so pronounced that level-stake wagering on favourites becomes profitable, but it is sufficient to make such wagering far less unprofitable than wagering on longshots.

In fact, wagering on favourites - and narrow underdogs too - would be profitable but for the bookie's margin that's built into team prices, which we can see has averaged 7.65% across the last three seasons. Adjusting for that, assuming that the 7.65% margin is applied to favourites and underdogs in equal measure, wagering on teams priced under $2.50 would produce a profit of around 1-1.5%.

In the table above I've had to make some fairly arbitrary decisions about the price ranges to use, which inevitably smooths out some of the bumps that exist in the returns for certain, narrower price ranges. For example, level-stake wagering on teams priced in the range $3.41 to $3.75 would have been profitable over the last three years. Had you the prescience to follow this strategy you'd have made 32 bets and netted a profit of 9 units, which is just over 28%.

A more active though less profitable strategy would have been to level-stake wager on all teams priced in the $2.41 to $3.20 price range, which would have led you to make 148 wagers and pocket a 3.2 unit or 2.2% profit.

Alternatively, had you hired a less well-credentialled clairvoyant and as a consequence instead level-stake wagered on all the teams priced in the $1.81 to $2.30 range - a strategy that suffers in part from requiring you to bet on both teams in some games and so guarantee a loss - you'd have made 222 bets and lost 29.6 units, which is a little over a 13% loss.

Regardless, if there is a Favourite-Longshot bias, what does it mean for MAFL?

In practical terms all it means is that a strategy of wagering on every longshot would be painfully unprofitable, as last year's Heritage Fund Investors can attest. That’s not to say that there's never value in underdog wagering, just that there isn’t consistent value in doing so. What MAFL aims to do is detect and exploit any value – whether it resides in favourites or in longshots.

What MAFL also seeks to do is match the size of its bet to the magnitude of its assessed advantage. That, though, is a topic for another day.


Predicting Ladder Positions

This year I'll be running a special competition in which participants will be asked to predict how the teams will finish on the ladder at the end of the home and away season. Entries will need to be in before the first game of Round 7. More details will be provided in a few weeks time.

In the meantime, here are a few permutations and combinations relating to the ladder, assuming that each team has a 1/16th probability of finishing in any given ladder position:

  • How many different ways are there in which the 16 teams could finish this year? Almost 21 billion.
  • How many different final 8s are there, including different orderings of the same set of 8 teams?  Over 500 million.
  • How many different final 8s are there if we ignore different orderings of the same set of 8 teams?12,870.
  • How many different top 4s are there, including different orderings of the same set of 4 teams?  43,680.
  • How many different top 4s are there if we ignore different orderings of the same set of 4 teams? 1,820.
  • How many different Grand Final match ups are there? 120.

Those first two numbers neatly explain why there's no market for predicting the finishing order of all teams or for predicting the 8 finalists in order. By way of context, correctly selecting the finishing order of all 16 teams (under the assumptions I've made) is almost 400,000 times more difficult than winning Powerball.

So, predicting the correct finishing order for all 16 teams seems a bit hard. How many could you reasonably expect to get right? Well, again making the assumption that any given team is equally likely to finish in any given ladder position, you should expect to correctly predict the finishing order of just one team (and, you should expect almost 37% of the time to get none at all correct).


Less Than A Goal In It

Last year, 20 games in the home and away season were decided by less than a goal and two teams, Richmond and Sydney were each involved in 5 of them.

Relatively speaking, the Tigers and the Swans fared quite well in these close finishes, each winning three, drawing one and losing just one of the five contests.

Fremantle, on the other hand, had a particularly bad run in close games last years, losing all four of those it played in, which contributed to an altogether forgettable year for the Dockers.

The table below shows each team's record in close games across the previous five seasons.

Surprisingly, perhaps, the Saints head the table with a 71% success rate in close finishes across the period 2004-2008. They've done no worse than 50% in close finishes in any of the previous five seasons, during which they've made three finals appearances.

Next best is West Coast on 69%, a figure that would have been higher but for an 0 and 1 performance last year, which was also the only season in the previous five during which they missed the finals.

Richmond have the next best record, despite missing the finals in all five seasons. They're also the team that has participated in the greatest number of close finishes, racking up 16 in all, one ahead of Sydney, and two ahead of Port.

The foot of the table is occupied by Adelaide, whose 3 and 9 record includes no season with a better than 50% performance. Nonetheless they've made the finals in four of the five years.

Above Adelaide are the Hawks with a 3 and 6 record, though they are 3 and 1 for seasons 2006-2008, which also happen to be the three seasons in which they've made the finals.

So, from what we've seen already, there seems to be some relationship between winning the close games and participating in September's festivities. The last two rows of the table shed some light on this issue and show us that Finalists have a 58% record in close finishes whereas Non-Finalists have only a 41% record.

At first, that 58% figure seems a little low. After all, we know that the teams we're considering are Finalists, so they should as a group win well over 50% of their matches. Indeed, over the five year period they won about 65% of their matches. It seems then that Finalists fare relatively badly in close games compared to their overall record.

However, some of those close finishes must be between teams that both finished in the finals, and the percentage for these games is by necessity 50% (since there's a winner and a loser in each game, or two teams with draws). In fact, of the 69 close finishes in which Finalists appeared, 29 of them were Finalist v Finalist matchups.

When we look instead at those close finishes that pitted a Finalist against a Non-Finalist we find that there were 40 such clashes and that the Finalist prevailed in about 70% of them.

So that all seems as it should be.