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2012 MARS, Colley, Massey and ODM Ratings After Round 10

MARS continues to be a fan of the Preliminary Finalists of 2011, ranking these four teams highest of all despite only two of them occupying the top 4 places on the competition ladder.

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2012 Round 10 Results : Giving A Little Back

This wasn't a good round for Investors.

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2012 Round 10 : Wagers & Tips - Rainclouds over Kardinia?

It's almost 9:30pm on Thursday night and, though there are now Line and SuperMargin markets for the Giants' and for the Suns' games, there are no Head-to-Head markets for either. So, not for the first time this year - and probably not for the last - I've inferred them.

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2012 Round 10 : Wagers & Tips - Another Wait

I'm beginning to wonder if I should mentally plan to write up the week's wagers on Thursday rather than Wednesday nights, so regularly reticent has the TAB bookmaker become in posting markets on games involving GWS. This week, as well as making us wait for Line, Head-to-Head and SuperMargin markets for Saturday's Cats v Giants game, he's also bet-shy about Sunday's Pies v Suns game.

I'll save the full details for tomorrow night but for now just mention that we've already committed to one head-to-head, three line, and four margin wagers, and that I expect to add another line and two margin wagers once the markets come up.


2012 : Naive MARS Revisited

It seems obvious that some teams' MARS rankings remain elevated due mostly to the healthy carryover Ratings Points they dragged with them from 2011. Late last year I looked at a modified version of MARS that I called Naive MARS, which set every team's initial Rating to 1,000 unlike Traditional MARS which sets them to 530 + 47% of their final Rating in the season before.

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