2013 : Round 20 - Wagers & Tips

Only Sunday's Crows v Roos game has escaped the collective attention of the MAFL Funds this week, the Head-to-Head Fund venturing a single wager on the Saints, the round's only clear home team underdog, the Line Fund also lining up behind the Saints but as well behind four home team favourites, and the Margin Fund strafing the schedule with SuperMargin wagers in seven games.
The Head-to-Head Fund's lack of activity this week can largely be explained by the fact that seven home teams have prices under $1.50, which precludes the Fund from betting on them. Still, the upside from the Fund's lone wager dominates the round's Ready Reckoner.
The only other games with upside of much more than 1c are the Geelong v Port Adelaide, Gold Coast v Melbourne, and Essendon v West Coast games, where a profit of 2c might be had if the footballing gods are kindest. The week's downside is concentrated in those same three games, as well as in the Saints v Hawks, and Dockers v Giants contests where, in all cases, unfavourable outcomes would knock a little under 2c off the price of the Recommended Portfolio.
Relatively speaking, there's a lot more disagreement amongst the Head-to-Head Tipsters this week than is the norm, with at least two dissenters in seven games, and three or more in four games.
Most contentious is the Dons v Eagles clash where six Tipsters are supporting the home team favourites, the embattled Essendon (for whom the adjective 'embattled' seems to have been coined), and the remaining seven Tipsters are behind the Eagles. Next-most contentious is the Geelong v Port Adelaide game where the home team favourite, once again, is not the majority selection. (You know it's a round where winners are tough to pick when BKB's disagreement statistic is at 28%.)
The Margin Predictors are this week far more united than the Head-to-Head Tipsters, unanimously agreeing on the more likely victor in every game except the Adelaide v Roos game where three Predictors have gone with the home team Crows. Still, the bulk of support in this game is with the favourites, the Roos, albeit narrowly.
Another sign of the Predictors' comparative collective confidence in the round's game outcomes is the standard deviation of the predicted margins in each game, which are single digit for all games except the first and last of the round.
MAFL's Head-to-Head Probability predictors are also generally of one mind about the likely victors in each game, the exception here too being the Adelaide v Roos game where estimates of the Crows' probability of victory range from 26% (ProPred) to 54% (WinPred). That said, there is still considerable disagreement about each team's probability of victory, with the range of probability assessments exceeding 10% points in every game except the round's last.
Lastly, the Line Fund algorithm's probability assessments have only two teams as better than 60% chances: Gold Coast (75%) and Collingwood (63%). Fremantle's and Geelong's chances are rated by the algorithm at just below 60%.

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