2013 : Round 23 - Wagers & Tips (Final)

Extraordinary times call for extraordinary measures.
So, when the Line market for the Saints v Freo game was eventually reinstated on the TAB with the Saints receiving just 6.5 points start and with the Head-to-Head market at $2.25/$1.65, I thought it only fair to allow all Fund algorithms, Tipsters and Predictors to use these values as the inputs on which to base their opinions. My original intent was that the new Head-to-Head prices would be ignored, but they've changed too much to make that a sensible strategy.
(It's irrelevant now, but I'll admit to feeling some disappointment when I realised that the Head-to-Head Fund had flagged the Saints as value at $6 - yes $6 - when that market initially posted on Monday ...)
Markets for the Dons v Tigers game were also posted today on the TAB, with the Head-to-Head prices of $3.00/$1.40 and the handicap of +19.5 both much as I foreshadowed last night. These prices too I allowed the Fund algorithms, Tipsters and Predictors to employ.
The good news, from my point of view, is that none of the Funds wanted anything to do with either of those games.
There are some adjustments, however, to the Tips and Predictions, as recorded in the following chart.

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