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MAFLOnline Has a New Name ...

... actually, it's a pseudonym (a word that, prior to 25 years exposure to poor spelling on the web, I'd have confidently set down and then moved on without the need, as I have just now, to look it up in an online dictionary - which, now I think about it, I've assumed was correct ...).

I know from the weblogs that few of you come to the MAFL site via the tortuous method of clacking into the address bar of your browser. Frankly, I probably wouldn't either were I not using Google Chrome which completes the remaining 25 characters for me as soon as I type the leading 'm'.

From today you need no longer remember that alphabet's worth of URL when you want to visit MAFL or refer a friend, colleague or random passerby to the site. (Look, traffic's traffic, and every writer wants an audience). Thanks to the commercially generous folk over at Squarespace, who are offering all their subscribers a free domain name, you can now reach the MAFL site via

For those of you who come to MAFL by other methods, including those who click on the links in the automatic e-mails they receive, nothing changes. The matterofstats link is a new and additional door to the site, and none of the old doors have been boarded up.

I like the MatterOfStats name and, in time, almost certainly in the off-season, I'll probably use it in rebranding and rejigging the current site. For at least the next 4 months though you'll see no other changes related to it.

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