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« MAFL 2011 : Team Dashboard for Round 3 | Main | MAFL 2011 : Team Dashboard for Round 1 »

MAFL 2011 : Team Dashboard for Round 2

Still not much to talk about in the Team Dashboard other than to note that I'm ordering teams in the ladder on the basis of competition points accumulated as a percentage of maximum possible competition points given the number of games that a team has played, which is why I have Adelaide in 3rd place (and not 7th as they are on


Reader Comments (6)

How does the draw resolve the issue of having 17 teams and only 24 rounds in which to hand out byes? By my reckoning either 7 teams have two buys, or for two rounds three teams all have byes.

April 6, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterMitch

wait, strike that... three teams have to have buys for FIVE rounds.

April 6, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterMitch

dammit... byes, I mean byes, not 'buys'

I've been commenting on YouTube far too much!

April 6, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterMitch


As ever, a good question.

The answer is that in five of the rounds (R4, R5, R6, R16 and R19) three teams will have byes. Now 5x3 + 19x1 = 34 byes, which is two byes for each of the 17 teams.

Quite why the AFL thought that the best solution was to have three short rounds in succession, starting next round, is another discussion entirely.


April 6, 2011 | Registered CommenterTonyC

The NRL used to cluster byes around State of Origin games...

Another aside, this season will have five fewer games than last season on account of those extra byes, despite having one more team. Suggest the AFL send a bill to the Gold Coast franchise for foregone gate takings!

April 7, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterMitch

Actually, because there are 24 rounds this year rather than 22 rounds, we get 11 additional games in the home and away season (which is two full rounds of 8 games less the 5 we lose to weeks with 3 rather than 1 bye). Or, calculated another way, each of the 17 teams play 22 games, which gives us 17 x 22 / 2 games, which is 187 games, compared to last year's 16 x 22, which is 176.

Of course we're not going to get the 10 game Finals series we got last year, so we do lose a game there.

Notwithstanding any of this I think you're right in pointing out that the Gold Coast, on current form, are going to be responsible for considerably reduced gate takings.

April 7, 2011 | Registered CommenterTonyC

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