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Marginally Interesting


Here are a handful of facts on AFL margins:
  • The largest ever victory margin was 190 points (Fitzroy over Melbourne in 1979)
  • Every margin between 0 and 150 points has been achieved at least once except margins of 136, 144, 145, 148 and 149 points.
  • Last season, no game finished with a victory margin of 25 points
  • No game finished with a margin of 47 points in the previous 2 seasons
  • No game finished with a margin of 67 points in the previous 5 seasons
  • No game finished with a margin of 90, 94 or 98 points in the previous 8 seasons
  • No game finished with a margin of 109 points in the previous 12 seasons
  • No game finished with a margin of 120 points in the previous 17 seasons
  • No game finished with a margin of 128 points in the previous 39 seasons
  • No game finished with a margin of 161 points in the previous 109 seasons
  • At least one game has finished with a margin of 6 points in each of the previous 48 seasons
  • At least one game has finished with a margin of 26 points in each of the previous 42 seasons


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