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2013 : MARS, Massey, Colley and ODM Ratings After Round 19

Despite shedding over 5 Rating Points (RPs) this week, Hawthorn remain the top-ranked team on MARS Ratings, though they now enjoy a lead of only about 3 RPs over the Swans. Further down the table, four pairs of teams swapped places as the Pies, Tigers, Eagles and Lions clambered, respectively, over the Roos, Blues, Crows and Saints.

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2013 : Round 19 - Results

It was pleasant to wake up on Sunday morning knowing that, whatever the day's football brought, a profit for the round was assured. As it turned out, Sunday wasn't kind to Investors, though the Dogs offered hope for an unlikely victory and an equally unlikely collect on our head-to-head wager at $8 for longer than we might reasonably have expected.

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2013 : Round 19 - Wagers & Tips

If MAFL had a bucket list, one thing still on it would be a successful wager on a drawn outcome, a feat that it has gone desperately close to achieving on a couple of occasions already this season when games on which the Margin Fund has opted for such a wager have been tied up deep into time-on in the final quarter. Not merely content, it seems, with going close, the Margin Fund has ventured not one but two such wagers for this weekend.

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2013 : MARS, Massey, Colley and ODM Ratings After Round 18

The action on the MARS Leaderboard is, once again, mid-table this week, with the seven teams ranked 5th to 11th swapping ladder positions on the basis of the most-recent results.

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2013 : Round 18 - Results

Well the streak is over - regression to the mean and all that - but, in truth, I'm not all that much discouraged by the weekend's wagering results.

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